Thursday, August 17, 2017

Museum of Miniatures

Saturday, July 8, 2017 - Amado, AZ

The high today was supposed to 118, so we decided see if there were any other museum that we would like to see.  I looked on the phone and we came up with The Mini Time Machine, museum of miniatures. 

These miniatures were in the first room.  I was just amazed at the detail.

This is a 14 room doll house.
This is made of a German toy similar to Lego.
These houses were in the imaginary area.

 This was next to the 3 bears house and I thought it was such a cute story I just had to take a picture of it.
The first picture is the second story of the 4 story shop.

This house was made out of walnut cigar boxes.
The next several pictures are more rooms and houses.

It is so hard to believe the amount of work that must have gone in each of them.  When we got out to the car the thermometer showed 114.
Doing something inside was a good idea.

Tomorrow night is the full moon, but I took at couple of picture of the moon tonight.

It was another wonderful day!

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