Saturday, August 26, 2017

Oshkosh Air Show

Saturday, July 29, 2017 - Oshkosh, WI

Tony, Miranda, Mike and I were up early this morning and drove to Oshkosh, WI to attend the EAA Airventure!  As we were walking to the entrance we saw an air writer writing OSH 17.
This aircraft wings can be folded back and placed on a trailer.  We could take it with us.  :)
Mike stopped by and looked at the kit cars.  Of course he sent a picture to Phil.
There were a lot of people who flew in.

This is a part of the airplane I could actually see Mike building.
I did finally get a picture of the EAA sign.
This is a refurbished B-17.  It is beautiful!  They did a get job!
 In this picture is a 94 woman that was one of the original Rosy the Riveter.  She is the short woman talking to the boy with the red cap on.  :)  They said that she actually worked on this plane.
 Here are some more pictures of planes.

This is a picture of the completed plane that I could see Mike building.
The air show has started and here are some pictures of the planes that we watched fly overhead.

My favorite part of the show was the Blue Angels.  :)

The weather today was wonderful!

It was another wonderful day!

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