Saturday, August 17, 2019

Arlington National Cemetery

Monday, July 1, 2019 - Norfolk, VA

This morning we decided to ride bicycles over to Arlington Cemetery.
Unfortunately the closest spot to Arlington to return the bicycles was not that close.  :)  We did stop and have lunch at a little deli first.  On the way back to the bicycle rack Mike pushed himself up a hill to hard and he had to stop.  I was worried I was going to lose him right then and there.  He recovered fairly quickly and we finally made it to Arlington Cemetery.  The entrance we went in was on the opposite side of the cemetery from where we wanted to be.  And Arlington Cemetery is a very big cemetery, 624 acres. 

We finally made it to Matthew Commons grave site.  Matt was one of my relatives and he was killed in Afghanistan on March 4, 2002.  I feel honored to be able to stop by his grave site.
We continued to walk up to the tomb of the unknown soldier.  While we were walking I noticed this deer grazing.
We finally made it to the tomb of the unknown soldier.  We were there for the changing of the guard, which was very interesting to watch.

Here is a picture of the Arlington House.
Then we took pictures of us at the sign.

It was getting to be time for Mike and I to head to the train station.  We were taking the train to Norfolk and Tony and Miranda were going to spend 1 more day in D.C.  We said our "Good-Byes" and headed out.

It was a very nice ride.  We arrived around 8:30pm and Jess and the kids picked us up at the station.

It was another wonderful day!

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