Friday, August 16, 2019

Flight 93 Memorial & Pike 2 Bike

Sunday, June 30, 2019 - Washington DC

Tony, Miranda, Mike and I were up early this morning to get on the road.  We had a couple of stops to make before staying the night in Washington DC tonight.  Our first stop was the Flight 93 Memorial.  Mike and I have driven by it numerous times on our way to and from Jess's, this time we stopped.  It is a beautiful memorial and definitely one that will bring a tear to your eyes.  They did a very nice timeline in the visitor center.
After we went through the visitor center we walked down to the crash site.  They don't allow you to walk on the site, it is the burial site of all of the passengers of Flight 93.  The hole the plane made has been filled in.

After walking around down by the crash site we went to the tower of voices.  This structure is not complete yet.  They are still trying to determine the best type of instrument to use.

When it is completed it will have 40 chimes, one for each passenger and crew on board Flight 93.

Once we were done touring the Flight 93 Memorial we hopped back in the car and headed for Breezewood, PA to hike part of the old Interstate.  Tony found out about at sometime and has been wanting to walk through one of the 2 tunnels.  We parked below one of the old over passes, then hiked up to the road and went on our way.
 Before getting up on the old road I had to take a picture of the graffiti on the over pass wall.  "Road Trip 2019"
This is just an old turnpike and it is starting to be over grown.  The turnpike was abandoned in 1968 because of the 1 lane tunnels.  We walked to the Rays Hill Tunnel, which is the shorter of the 2 tunnels on the abandoned turnpike.

You only have good light for the first few hundred yards, then it starts getting dark.

You can see the light at the other end of the tunnel, but it does not offer much light.
Once we got to the other end we went up top and took a couple of pictures of the air handlers in the building above the tunnel.

Of course we had to take a selfie.  :)
And this is what the road looked like at this end of the tunnel.
We did not walk very far down the road since we needed to start heading back.  On our way back through the tunnel we saw this unusual creature.
The trip back through the tunnel looked the same as before.  :)

We eventually made it back to the car and back on the road.  We arrived in DC around 9pm.

It was another wonderful day!

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