Wednesday, August 21, 2019


Saturday, July 27, 2019 - Grovertown, IN

I was up early this morning and met Kim over at 6 and old 31 to pick up Avander and Ami.  Last week they spent the week with Mike J's parents and this week Mike and I will have them.  Once I picked them up we headed for Tony and Miranda's.  Next week we are taking the boat up to Cheboygan with us and I asked Tony if he would hitch the boat up so I could get a little driving time in before we leave.  When I got there we decided we would all head for the lake and do a little boating.  As we were putting the boat in the water we discovered the battery was dead and we did not have any jumper cables, so we pulled it back out and headed back to Tony's to get some jumper cables and one of the batteries out of his truck.  The second attempt was a successful launch!  :)

 After some swimming Avander and Ami decided to build a fort out of the towels and the steering wheel.
It was a fun day and it was starting to get late, so we headed back in.  We got the boat pulled out, tied down and everyone was ready to go.  As we were driving back to Tony's, Miranda asked "Where's Gracie!"...Tony says "Oh no! I left her tied up to the pole back at the launching ramp!".  So as quickly as I could I turned around and headed back to the launching ramp, the whole way back I was just praying she would still be there...  When we arrived at the ramp I could see her laying very attentive on the ramp.  Once she realized it was us she was very, very happy to see us and we were very, very happy to see her.  Once she was safely inside the car I think she was a little mad at me, she did not want to sit in my lap.  :)

At least today, I did get a lot of time to practice towing the boat and trailer around.  

It was another wonderful day!

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