Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Camp Sancta Maria

Sunday, July 21, 2019 - Grovertown, IN

This morning we were up early to take Alex to Camp Sancta Maria in Gaylord, MI.  He will be there for 2 weeks.  Once we got to Gaylord, we fed Alex lunchat Culver's before taking him to camp.  When we got there he was so excited that he just bounced up and down.  The guy at registration asked him if he was excited and Alex nodded quickly and kept jumping. :)  Once we arrived at his cabin, St. John Bosco, he picked out a top bunk in the corner.
He met his bunk mate Brody, whose father is in the Coast Guard.  So at least they have a little in common.  :)
Then I got of picture of him and Papa out front his cabin.

Then I got a picture of him and his counselors.

As he was putting his stuff away we noticed the other boys all brought snacks and drinks, so after we said our "Good-byes" we ran by Meijer's to pick up some snacks for Alex.  I think we went a little overboard, because we spent about $100.  :)  Jess packed all of the snacks in a small gym bag and dropped it off at the registration building.

It was another wonderful day!

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