Friday, July 31, 2015


Monday, July 6, 2015 - Russell Springs, KY

We looked up to see if there were any geocaches around the lake and we found several.  One was not very far away from Alligator II, so we headed for that cove.  We did not have far to go to get to the cove where the geocache was located.  As soon as we got there we pulled out the umbrella and had lunch.  While we were fixing lunch Alex went out paddling.

And Gracie found her spot.  :)
Alex realized he was not attached to the boat and he got out a little further then he was happy with, so Mike J had to go out and bring him back to the boat.

After lunch we swam toward shore but I checked my phone and noticed we swam to the wrong side of the cove, but we quickly corrected our mistake and we swam to the other side of the cove.  :)  Ami liked riding in her float.
When we got to shore Avander wanted to throw rocks for Gracie.  This is one of her favorite games to play.  :)

The hardest part of finding the geocache was climbing up the hill to the tree.  Mike J took a picture of Jess and I pointing at where the geocache is located.
Since I knew Bill was in the area I had sent him a text message to see if we could connect.  When we got back to the boat he had responded and let us know he was down by Alligator I, so we headed out to see if we could find them.  No such luck...  Maybe tomorrow.

After driving around for a while we found ourselves another cove across the lake from Alligator II to do some swimming.  Mike, Mike J and the boys went out on the towable.

Jess went out paddling.
While Gracie, Ami and I stayed in the boat and played.

We were not anchored, so every now and then I needed to move the boat.  Mike, Alex and Avander enjoyed going for a short ride on the towable.
Oops, we left Mike J. behind.
So we went back and picked him up.  :)

Then Avander and Papa decided to do a little showing off.  :)

Then Mike J came in and pulled the boys around for just a minute.

It was another wonderful day!

Sunday, July 26, 2015


Sunday, July 5, 2015 - Russell Springs, KY

Nick and Megan were up early this morning and headed out.  They wanted a good nights sleep before heading north.  :)

It was raining when we got up this morning and was supposed to rain off and on most of the day, so we decided not to go out on the boat today.  We took our time getting ready this morning and shortly after lunch headed into town to run some errands.  On our way into town I just had to take a picture of Ami!  :)
 While we were in town the sun came out for a while, so we decided to do a round of putt-putt.  :)  Alex and Avander got into it at first, but around the 15th hole they were over it, so we skipped a couple of holes and called it a game.  :)

After our round of golf we headed for Sonic to get some ice cream.  Ice cream is always good after a round of golf.  :)

Next we were off to the grocery store to pick up groceries for the rest of the week, then back to the trailer.  The rain finally moved out of the area and we were able to make a fire and cook hot dogs over the fire and of course s’mores.

It was another wonderful day!

Happy 4th of July!

Saturday, July 4, 2015 - Russell Springs, KY

Happy 4th of July everyone!

Today we were up and moving a little earlier, so we packed our lunch and snacks and headed out to the lake.  Tony let us know that they were going to need to leave tonight because they now need to be in Omaha, NE by 7:00am Monday and they needed to go home first to pick up all of their gear.  And that was going to be too much driving to leave on Sunday.  So we were going to make the most of today!

We headed out and found a good swimming hole.  Even Ami got out in the water.  :)

Alex enjoyed swimming with everyone.  He did such a great job!

While Avander found a place to sleep.  :)
It was now time to do some tubing.  Alex, Nick, Megan and Shelby were first to go.

Then it was Megan, Shelby, Nick, Mike J. and Tony's turn out on the tubes.

Nick fell off before I was able to get a picture of Tony with them.  Also it looks like the tube has a hole, oh no!
Mike J. came in and Alex headed out.

Then it was time to catch on camera the switching of tubes. :)

Nick came in and Mike J. went out.

Alex found a good spot to watch all the tubing. 
Everyone continued to have fun out on the tubes.  :)  (Lots more tubing pictures to follow! Some are not real good.  :) )

Avander wanted me to take a picture of him, so I took a selfie of me and him.  :)

Tony, Alex and Nick wanted me to take a picture of there tattoos, so I did.  :)

After a full day out on the boat we came back to the trailer and got dinner ready.  Tonight we had BBQ pork chops, YUM!  They turned out great!  

Jess dressed Ami up in a cute little 4th of July outfit and I just had to take a picture.
After dinner almost everyone except me, Mike, Jess and Ami all headed back out on the boat to go see the fireworks. They said the fireworks were very nice.  But once they got back Tony, Alex, Kaylin and Shelby packed up and headed down the road.  We had a wonderful time and we were glad they were able to come down!

It was another wonderful day!