Sunday, July 26, 2015


Sunday, July 5, 2015 - Russell Springs, KY

Nick and Megan were up early this morning and headed out.  They wanted a good nights sleep before heading north.  :)

It was raining when we got up this morning and was supposed to rain off and on most of the day, so we decided not to go out on the boat today.  We took our time getting ready this morning and shortly after lunch headed into town to run some errands.  On our way into town I just had to take a picture of Ami!  :)
 While we were in town the sun came out for a while, so we decided to do a round of putt-putt.  :)  Alex and Avander got into it at first, but around the 15th hole they were over it, so we skipped a couple of holes and called it a game.  :)

After our round of golf we headed for Sonic to get some ice cream.  Ice cream is always good after a round of golf.  :)

Next we were off to the grocery store to pick up groceries for the rest of the week, then back to the trailer.  The rain finally moved out of the area and we were able to make a fire and cook hot dogs over the fire and of course s’mores.

It was another wonderful day!

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