Saturday, July 25, 2015

Getting ready for Everyone to Arrive

Thursday, July 2, 2015 - Russell Springs, KY

Tony, Alex, Kaylin and Shelby and Nick and Megan are due to arrive very late or very very early tomorrow morning, depending on how you look at it.  :)  Jess, Mike and the kids are going to arriving very early tomorrow morning, but they are going to stay in a hotel tonight in hopes to keep the kids asleep when they arrive.  We are really looking forward to all of them arriving.  :)  We are hoping the rain will slow down enough this weekend, so we can get out on the boat!

Mike and I were able to get to the grocery store to pick up food for just the weekend.  We will be feeding 13 people.  It will be a fun weekend.  Unfortunately Tony called to let us know they will be cutting their long weekend short and will need to be leaving Sunday night.  They were originally planning on staying until Tuesday, but now Tony and Alex need to be Iowa on Monday morning at 7:00am for work.  We are still really looking forward to seeing them.

It was another wonderful day!

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