Saturday, July 25, 2015

Afternoon on the Lake

Friday, July 3, 2015 - Russell Springs, KY

Last night Nick and Megan arrived first I think around midnight.  About 1.5 hours later Tony, Alex, Kaylin and Shelby arrived.  They all crashed out.  Then around 3:30am Jess called to let us know they were lost.  They were close, but lost.  :)  After a couple of phone calls Mike thought it would be easier to just meet them at the McDonald’s in Russell Springs and bring them out to the hotel.  They were both very exhausted and just glad to finally be at the hotel.  Around 8:00am Mike ran to the hotel to pick up the kids, so Jess and Mike J. would be able to sleep in just a little longer.  

Ami enjoyed playing on our bed.

While Avander was playing with Uncle Tony (fuzzypictures :) ) and Alex ate breakfast.

Around noon everyone grabbed a bite for lunch and we packed up some snacks and headed for the lake.  Tony and Mike got the boat in the water and we all piled into the boat.  Alex was being a ladies man with Kaylin and Shelby, while Megan was holding the boat.

The weather was beautiful this afternoon and we were able to get in a lot of tubing, swimming and playing!  Alex, Alex, Tony and Shelby went out first.  Little Alex had fun, but was done fairly quickly.

Once he came in Tony, Alex and Shelby 

 As we were just riding around Avander got into playing with Uncle Tony! :)

Now it was time to throw out 4 tubes, so Mike J., Alex, Nick and Shelby gave it a try.  :)

After a full afternoon out on the lake we headed back to the trailer and fixed nachos for dinner.  One of Alex and Tony's favorite meals.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

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