Saturday, November 21, 2015

Happy Birthday Ami

Saturday, October 24, 2015 - Norfolk, VA

 Good Morning Ami!

Once it was time for the party to start we gave each of the kids a balloon.  They seemed to enjoy that.

Jess had cupcakes and arranged them as a 1.
We attempted to put a birthday hat on her, but she was not interested in having it on.  :)

Now it was time to eat the cupcakes.

Ami really enjoyed her cupcake.

Now it was time to open presents.  This first gift was a baby doll from George and Paula.  She really wanted this doll and really wanted Papa to get it out of it's package!

Once she got the baby doll, she was not very interested in any of the other presents.

We did get her to open her other presents and even play with the other stuff, but she did not want to give up her doll.  :)

Then she was back to playing with the baby doll. 
After the party Mike, Mike, Alex, Avander, Josh and Jake all went to the RC store down in Virginia Beach.  Jess and I relaxed and enjoyed the beautiful weather and Kim and Bre headed for the store.  It was a very nice afternoon.

It was another wonderful day!

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