Saturday, November 21, 2015

Playing in Norfolk

Friday, October 23, 2015 - Norfolk, VA

When we came in we said hello to everyone.  :)  Michael J's family arrived early evening on Thursday.   Mike and I were exhausted and after saying hello we headed for bed for a couple of hours. 

The kids were given a mask to color and seemed to have a great time.  I was sitting across the table from Alex when Ami came to see me.

I asked Alex if I could take a picture of him and this is what I got.  :)

 But I did get this one.
Avander was to busy to look up.
Gracie always likes coming to Jess's and she found her favorite spot.  I think it makes people that are walking by a little nervous, but she never has tried to jump over the fence.
Just before dinner Ami was eating her snack and she decided to share it with Papa.

After getting Ami ready for bed she was sitting in Papa's lap licking one of the masks.  When she pulled it away from her face she had red ink all over her face.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

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