Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Lane Motor Museum

Friday, October 9, 2015 - Campbellsville, KY

Well it has been a while since I have updated the blog.  The internet here has been slow to not at all.  :(  It drives me nuts when I try to update the blog and the internet keeps going up and down.  Especially on days I have a lot of picture, like today.  :)  Then when I fall behind I have a hard time getting in the mood to catch up.  On Friday, November 6, 2015, they worked on the internet and it seems to be much better, so hopefully I will get the blog caught up and keep it up real soon.  :)  I will do my best to remember what we did.  :)

Back to October 9.

The plan for today was to get up early and head for Nashville, TN.  We did not get up early as early as we planned, but we headed for Nashville, TN anyway.  Traffic was the real pits!  We finally made it to Lane Motor Museum.  The Lane Motor Museum is home of the largest European car collection in the U.S.  It was really a neat museum.  We would highly recommend it.

Here are a couple of the pictures Mike took while we were there:

Ok, so it was a lot of pictures.  :) 

After the museum we thought we would stop by the mall to see if we could find a quilt.  Well that was a real waste of time.  There were a couple of quilts at Bed Bath and Beyond, but that was it.  While we were there we stopped at a restaurant in the mall called Claim Jumper.  It was ok, but nothing special.  I really wanted to go to over to the Grand Ole Opry, but it was getting late and we needed to get back to Campbellsville. 

It was another wonderful day!

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