Saturday, November 21, 2015

Travel to Norfolk

Thursday, October 22, 2015 - Norfolk, VA

Right after Mike got off work we headed for Norfolk.  We were on the road before 6:00pm.  It is a 10 hour drive as long as you don't make any stops.  We arrived in Norfolk around 5:30am, but we knew if we went into the house the dogs we bark and wake everyone up.  So we decided we would have breakfast.  We found an IHOP not too far from Jess's house.  I sent Jess a text message to let her know we were in town and to let us know when people were getting up.  We took our time eating and finally left IHOP around 6:30am.  We then went to WalMart to walk around, but we were very tired after driving all night, so we parked out front Jess's and waited for a text message.  :)  Around 7:30am Friday morning Jess, Ami and Avander came out to let us know they were up.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

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