Saturday, March 26, 2016

Nice Walk

Friday, March 25, 2016 - Citra, FL

This evening for dinner we went back to Christ the King for the fish fry.  It was great again tonight.

When we got back home we took Gracie for a walk and I had Mike take a picture of the sunset.  It is beautiful.  :)
Then we went out on the golf course.  Mike said that if we get caught we will get in trouble, but I really want to see the golf course before we left.  It is a nice course.
It was another wonderful day!

End of Season Dinner

Thursday, March 24, 2016 - Citra, FL

This evening was the end of golf season dinner.  They had hamburgers, hot dogs, slaw, and beans.  After dinner they announced all the winners for today, which Mike's team came in 2nd.  He won $14 dollars.  :)  Then they announced the winners for the season.  We had a really nice time.

It was another wonderful day!

Beautiful Moon

Wednesday, March 23, 2016 - Citra, FL

Last night I also got to play pickle ball and I also enjoyed it.  So this evening we went down to Ocala to go to Dick's to get a couple of pickle ball paddles.  They were a little more expensive then we realized, but we bought them any way.

Before heading back we stopped by Crazy Cucumber for dinner.  It was nice.  I really liked the cucumber sauce they had for the hamburger.  

While we were walking Gracie this evening you could not help but notice how beautiful the moon was.  Mike had his phone with him and he took a picture.  It is not a great picture.  :)

It was another wonderful day!


Monday, March 21, 2016 - Citra, FL

This morning Mike stopped by the pickle ball court to watch them play, but they said they don't allow spectators, just players.  :)  So he played and really enjoyed it.  On Tuesday and Thursday's they paly at 6:00pm, so I will get to join them on those day.  :)

Well here it is Monday night again and we went to play euchre.  The way they play is that the losers move to another table and the winners just take on a new partner at the same table. Well I ended up at the same table all evening!  I was sure I came in first tonight with a total score of 63, but I ended up in 2nd.  Jacob came in 1st with a score of 64.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

Paynes Prairie State Park

Sunday, March 20, 2016 - Citra, FL

The weather today was much nicer, so after Mass we headed north to Paynes Prairie State Park.  We did not take Gracie with us because I read on the internet that dogs were not allowed on several of the trails.  Well when we arrived we found out the trails we decided to take she would have been able to go on also.  Next time I will need to do a little more research on this.

Based on the name of the park we did not expect many trees.  Here are a couple of pictures of the trail.

We made it all the way up to the lake.

On the way back to the parking lot we were going to continue around the loop, but we came upon this puddle in the trail!

So we decided to come back the way we came.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

Went for drive

Saturday, March 19, 2016 - Citra, FL

I wanted to go to Paynes Prairie State Park, but it was raining.  So we went for a drive.  We first drove through McIntosh.  There are some really nice old buildings.

After driving around McIntosh we drove down to Ocala and had a late breakfast at Bob Evans.  After breakfast we drove over to the Ocala National Forest.  We did come across a shooting range.  Mike said he would have to come back and try it out.  For it raining out there were a lot of people there.

It finally did clear up and as we headed back we made several stops along the way.  :)  The first stop way more of a drive by.  We went by John Travolta's place.  You really can't see much since it is a gated community, but you can see his jet!

Next we stopped by Island Grove Tasting House.

They have some really good wines!  We ended up buying several bottles.  :)  I also took a picture of this cute sign.
As we continued on we happened upon the Wood & Swink Store and Post Office.  Mike had read about it and we could not believe we drove by it.  So I just had to take a picture of it!

Then we stopped by the Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings Historic State Park.  It looks like a nice park, but it costs $3 per person to go through the buildings and we did not have any cash on us.  We have found that we pay for almost everything by credit card and we do not carry very much cash.  We may find time to come back, but as hard as it is for us to believe we are coming down to the end of our stay here in Florida.

We finally made our way back home.

It was another wonderful day!

Friday, March 25, 2016

Fish Fry

Friday, March 18, 2016 - Citra, FL

Thursday Mike played golf in the scramble.  He did not do well, but he had a nice time.

Also this week we got a hold of Tony Hamilton.  Tony was best man in our wedding.  We saw him a few more times after that, then lost touch.  We tracked him down and gave him a call.  He lives in Malabar, which is a couple hours from here.  We are hoping before we leave the area we can meet up with him.  :)

This evening we went to Christ the King for the fish fry. We talked about how this fish is as good as the fish we used to have up at St. Dominic's.

It was another wonderful day!


Monday, March 14, 2016 - Citra, FL

This evening we headed for the VIP Hall to play Euchre.  I once again was not getting any good cards.  They were better than the last couple of weeks, so I ended in the middle of the pack.  :)  Mike was able to win 3rd place.

It was another wonderful day!

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Museum of Drag Racing

Sunday, March 13, 2016 - Citra, FL

This morning after Mass we headed down to Ocala and went to the Don Garlits Museum of Drag Racing.  It was a rainy day, so it was a good day to go to the museum.

I did manage to get a picture of the outside of the building while it was not raining.

There were 2 different buildings.  The first building we went into was beautiful old cars.  It was also neat to listen to the 2 older gentlemen reminisce about the cars they used to have.  :)

This was my favorite car, mostly because of the paint job.  I thought it was just beautiful.

Then we saw a Corvair's.  My mom had a Red Corvair, so a took a picture and texted to my Dad.  I never heard back from him, but I hope he enjoyed seeing it.  :)

These were just a couple of real cool old trucks.

The second building contained all of the drag racing cars.  I found it very interesting.

It was another wonderful day!

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

St. Augustine

Saturday, March 12, 2016 - Citra, FL

We were up early this morning to head for St. Augustine.  It was about 1.5 hour drive.  On our way there we ran into a traffic jam.  It turns out it was an event weekend at the Hog Waller Mud Bog.

When we got to town traffic was terrible!  There was a St. Patrick's Day parade going on.  We didn't think about that.

We finally made it to the Old Town Trolley Tours Station.  We purchased the Fountain of Youth Tour, which included tickets to the Old Jail, Oldest Store Museum, St. Augustine History Museum and the Fountain of Youth.

The trolley station we started at was stop 2.  All of the tickets we had we at stop 22 and 23 and it takes approximately 1.5 hours to go through the entire tour.  We thought that was more time than we wanted to wait, so we walked to stop 22 and went to the Old Jail tour.

We only went on the Old Jail tour at this stop.

We did not want to wait around for the next tour of the Oldest Store and the St. Augustine History Museum, so we  walked over to stop 23, the Fountain of Youth.
There were several peacocks running around the grounds and this white one opened it's tail.  Which I thought was really cool!

Several smaller ones also displayed their tails.
We walked out on the pier by the Fountain of Youth.

I can't believe I did not take any pictures of the actual Fountain of Youth.  :)  We did take a drink of the water!  So we will stay young.  :)

We finally did hop on the Trolley and headed for Stop 5 to get some lunch.  The this stop has the Oldest Wooden Schoolhouse.

Of course it cost extra to go in.  We did not go in.  We continued to walk around the outdoor mall area and found.  We ended up eating at the Florida Cracker Cafe.  When they wanted to seat us, they asked if we wanted to share a table with another couple.  We said "Sure!".  The couple ahead of us said no, so we were able to be seated before them.  :)  We sat with Steve and Kate from Wisconsin.  And as it turned out they were full-time RV'ers also.  They just started fulltiming in November, so they were newbies.  What were the chances.  We had a wonderful time.
Finally we parted ways after a nice long lunch.  This is a place we would eat at again.

We got back on the Trolley and road around to stop 13 at San Sebastian Winery.  They have several stations set up through out the winery for wine tasting and tour.  It was a very nice tour.
We wanted to buy a couple of bottles of wine, but we did not want to carry it back to trolley stop 2.  The trolley stops running at 6:00pm and it was 5:20pm and the last trolley had already left.  Well it was not really all that far, so we walked back to the Suburban and came back to buy a couple of bottles of wine.  :)

Took these pictures of the outside on our way back.

After we were done at the winery we decided it was time to head home.  Poor Gracie had been in all day and we wanted to get home to take her for a walk.  When we got home our neighbor Bob had taken Gracie for a walk at 4:00pm.  He had said he would, but we were not sure if he would or not.  We were really glad he did.  It was very nice of him.  :)

In hind sight we should have just bought tickets for the Fountain of Youth, then gone to Castillo de San Marcos, which we did not make it to.  Walked around the historic walking mall, then gone to the winery.  It would have been a lot cheaper!  :)  But we had a really nice time!

It was another wonderful day!