Saturday, March 26, 2016

Went for drive

Saturday, March 19, 2016 - Citra, FL

I wanted to go to Paynes Prairie State Park, but it was raining.  So we went for a drive.  We first drove through McIntosh.  There are some really nice old buildings.

After driving around McIntosh we drove down to Ocala and had a late breakfast at Bob Evans.  After breakfast we drove over to the Ocala National Forest.  We did come across a shooting range.  Mike said he would have to come back and try it out.  For it raining out there were a lot of people there.

It finally did clear up and as we headed back we made several stops along the way.  :)  The first stop way more of a drive by.  We went by John Travolta's place.  You really can't see much since it is a gated community, but you can see his jet!

Next we stopped by Island Grove Tasting House.

They have some really good wines!  We ended up buying several bottles.  :)  I also took a picture of this cute sign.
As we continued on we happened upon the Wood & Swink Store and Post Office.  Mike had read about it and we could not believe we drove by it.  So I just had to take a picture of it!

Then we stopped by the Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings Historic State Park.  It looks like a nice park, but it costs $3 per person to go through the buildings and we did not have any cash on us.  We have found that we pay for almost everything by credit card and we do not carry very much cash.  We may find time to come back, but as hard as it is for us to believe we are coming down to the end of our stay here in Florida.

We finally made our way back home.

It was another wonderful day!

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