Thursday, March 3, 2016

Ford's Garage

Tuesday, February 16, 2016 - Fort Myers, FL

After working a couple of hours this morning, Patsy and I went swimming in the pool.  I had a conference call for work I needed to attend, so I had to watch my time in the pool.  My conference call was only scheduled to last 45 minutes, but 1.5 hours later it was over.

My Dad was headed for Indianapolis today to go to Uncle Paul's funeral.  Since Dad's plane was scheduled to leave at 7:30pm, we decided we would wait until about 4:00pm to go out to dinner, then take Dad to the airport.  We went to Ford's Garage for dinner.

We had a really nice dinner.  :)

After dinner we took Dad to the airport.  On our way, Jeff called to let us know the flight had been delayed until 9:00pm and that him and Mary were already at the airport.  We went ahead and dropped Dad off.  Once we got home Dad called to let us know that the flight was now delayed until 10:50pm.  They finally did make to Indianapolis around 3:00am.  What a long night for them.

It was another wonderful day!

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