Friday, March 4, 2016


Thursday, February 18, 2016 - Fort Myers, FL

Today I was up very early this morning.  For some reason I got up at 5:30am.  I went ahead and started working, so I could get my hours in early.  :)

Once I had my hours in for the day me, Sue and Patsy went for a nice bicycle ride.  When we got back we changed to our swimming suits and went swimming.

Before our bike ride I took a picture of the house.
Kim was taking a picture of me taking a picture.  :)
Here are Patsy and Sue ready to ride.
After lunch I took a nap.  :)

Later we sat around the pool waiting for time to pick Dad up at the airport.  He was due to arrive around 4:30pm.

Dad called to let us know that his plane was delayed and he would not be in until after 9:00pm.  Our original plan was to wait and have dinner with him, but with the flight delays we decided to just go ahead and go out for dinner before he arrived.  We decided to go to Rumrunner.  They have the best drink, called the Rumrunner.  :)  We all had a great meal.  There a several shops in the same complex as the restaurant, so after eating we did a little shopping.  :)

Dad's flight finally left Indianapolis and he arrived around 9:45pm.  A lot later than he originally planned.  It was great to have him back.

It was another wonderful day!

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