Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Dinner with Ivan & Debra

Sunday, April 10, 2016 - Citra, FL

This morning we went to Mass at Christ the King in Citra for the last time on this stay.  We will start our move north on Friday.

When we got back home we started the process of putting things away, so we can move.  When we are at a location for an extended period of time we find that we get a lot of things out.  :)  That and we have a busy week ahead of us.

We only had about an hour to work on getting things put away when Debra came over to see if we were ready to go out to eat.  We had planned to go out once with them before heading out.  We headed out to The Yearling.  Debra and Ivan had not eaten there and we told them about, so we headed over there.
We had good food and great conversation!

After dinner we went back to Ivan and Debra's place to enjoy some more conversation.  Eventually we made it back to our place and did just a little more packing.

It was another wonderful day!

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