Saturday, April 30, 2016

Visit with Carn and Mike

Thursday, April 14, 2016 - Citra, FL

This morning I was up early to get a few hours of work in before heading south to The Villages, FL to visit with Carn and Mike.  It was about an hour drive down there and Mike and Carn were outside waiting for us.  This was the first day since we arrived in FL that it worked out for both of our schedules for us to get together.  :)

Once we arrived Mike and Carn gave us a tour of the beautiful home.  Mike did a lot of nice upgrades to the home.  Next they took us for a tour of the area.  Each area (village) has a recreation hall and each recreation hall has it's own theme.  Our first stop was at a recreation hall that was themed for our different branches of our military.  With all of the memorabilia it was almost like a museum.

We drove around a little more seeing several of the different areas and even went to a couple of open houses of the new homes being built.  Mike and I could sure understand how they are enjoying themselves living here.  There is so much to do!  Eventually we made to OakWood Smokehouse & Gill for lunch.

After a wonderful lunch we went to the village square of one of the villages to listen to a little of the live entertainment at goes on each afternoon.  Wow what a neat area to live.  Eventually we made it back to Carn and Mike's house.
We finally said our good-bye's and headed back home.  We had a really nice time and are really glad we were able to meet up with them.

It was another wonderful day!

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