Monday, May 2, 2016

Travel to Elko, GA

Friday, April 15, 2016 - Elko, GA

Well it was finally time to say our good-bye's to all of the people at Grand Lakes RV Resort that we had meet while we were here.  We have had a really nice time.  We pulled out pretty close to on-time.  We wanted to be on the road by 9:30am and we pulled out of our site at about 9:20am.  :)  We still had to go up to the office and check out.  When we came out of the office Bob and Tena were waiting for us.  Mike had left his pan he uses to catch possible oil drops from the truck.
Then Evie pulled up next us to also say good-bye.  We really did meet a lot of nice people here.  :)  Before leaving Bob pointed out that there was oil leaking from the truck.  Well the service center was not that far out of our way, so we turned and headed south to the truck service center.  Come to find out they over filled the oil reserve and that is what was leaking.  So we were finally on the way north.

We did make a stop for lunch at Cracker Barrel somewhere in GA.  When we did arrive at Twin Oaks RV Park I thought for sure this was the first campground we stopped at on our drive home from buying our rig in Ocala, FL in 2012.  Mike did not think so since the Primrose flowers were not by the office.  Well when I went in to the office to check in I asked about the Primrose's.  They had to move them the dust was not good for them, but they were still in the park.  So this was the place we stayed at in 2012.  :)

The Primrose is a flower that opens up every night around sunset.  When we were here in 2012 they were in bloom and we were able to watch them open up.  It was really cool.

It is a nice campground and the staff is very friendly.

It was another wonderful day!

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