Sunday, May 22, 2016

Wire Group Dinner

Friday, May 20, 2016 - Michigan City, IN

Happy Birthday to me.  :)

Around 5:30pm Mike and I headed for Carrabba's in Mishawaka to have dinner with the wire group.   On the way over we stopped by Walmart to pick up a couple of things, so we decided to get on the toll road at the La Porte exit.  Well that ended up being a mistake.  When we got to the toll booth the gate would not open.  At first we thought it was our transponder, but when we could not get the machine to dispense a ticket we knew something else was wrong.  We hit the help button, but all operators were busy!!!  Eventually someone answered and attempted to remotely open the gate, but no luck.  The operator let us know the ETA for help is 10 minutes out.

Traffic was really backing up behind us.  When the lady apologized we told her that the worst part about this is that we are the first in line.  :)  Soon a couple of the drivers were out of their cars asking us if we needed help!  They were not sure if we were broke down or just trying to get our transponder to work.  Unfortunately neither was true.

Soon an off duty toll road worker was headed in the opposite direction and asked what the problem was.  We told her the gate would not open.  She said she would be there in a minute.  Soon she had parked her car and came out of the building with her orange vest on and took the board off the gate so we could get through.  After about 15 minutes of waiting we were on our way again.  :)

I have been real bad about taking pictures this week and today was no different.  :(  But we did have a new addition to the group.  Ann and Ralph joined us for the first time.  Unfortunately Sonnie and Dorothy were unable to join us.  Sonnie spent the week in the hospital.  We are sending prayers their way for a speedy recovery!

Dinner was good and the company was great.  We set our next dinner for next month, then headed home. 

It was another wonderful day!

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