Sunday, May 22, 2016

Drain Problems

Saturday, May 14, 2016 - Michigan City, IN

The fork seals on the FJR are leaking, so this morning Mike road the motorcycle to Turn One in Plymouth to get them replaced.  When we first got up this morning it was raining, but by the time we were ready to go the rain had stopped.  It was still a very cold ride.

Of course while we were there we checked out the 3 wheelers.  We saw a real nice used one.  I keep going back and forth as to rather or not we should get one, but I don't ride enough with him now.  And I just don't want to spend the money.  :)

Once we were back home Jess called to let Mike know that the tub at Tony's house was draining real slow.  She called more to make sure he would bring any tools he might have that would help solve the problem.

When we got to Tony's, Mike started working on the drain problem.  It was soon determined it was a problem somewhere in the pipe beyond the house.  Tony plans on calling the city on Monday to let them know.  :(

In the meantime, Jess and I continued to work on making more reservations.  This time we got all of the reservation except at Glacier National Park and at the campground we will park at for the month of August.  I am getting more excited about this trip.

It was another wonderful day!

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