Thursday, May 12, 2016

Concrete - Day 2

Friday, May 6, 2016 - Michigan City, IN

Now it was time to pour the part of the driveway up by the house.  Tony is planning on pouring the rest of the driveway at a later date.  Once again I went into the office and after dropping me off Mike headed for Tony's.  :)

Lots more concrete was poured again today.

Brodie and Maddie were over to play with their cousins today and Alex and Brodie sure did enjoy watching the guys pour the concrete.
Soon the job was done and the driveway looked very nice.
Mike did a good job of supervising.  :)

This is what I get for waiting so to enter information into the blog.  I totally left out what we did this evening.  :)

Mike came back home around 4:30 got cleaned up and we went to Holly's in Michigan City for dinner.  When we first got married we lived in Michigan City and ate dinner often at was then Holly by Golly's, they have shortened the name down to just Holly's, but the food is still good.  We were even part of the mug club, which does not exist any more.  ;)

It was only 6:30pm when we were done eating and we were not ready to go back home.  As we sat there we  talked about several things we could go do, go to the mall and get me slippers, run to Meiji's and pick up a couple of things...  Nothing sounded fun, so we went for a drive.  We headed for Washington Park in Michigan City.  Wow has that area changed, for the better.  We drove up to Long Beach along Lake Shore Dr.  The area is very nice and we found homes for sale from 4.6M right on the beach to 495,000 a block away from the  beach.  :)  Then we stopped for a minute so I could get this picture.  The lake was very calm!
Then we went back to the park to finish watching the sun set.  There were a lot of other people there with the same idea.  It was a beautiful sunset!

After the beautiful sunset we walked out to the lighthouse and I took a couple more pictures looking back at the beach.  They actually turned out better than I thought they would.  :)

Then we walked back to the pavilion to check it out.  It is a brand new building and there were a lot of people over there.  We found out they are serving food and drinks, even alcoholic, just beer and wine.  :)  So Mike bought a glass of beer and I bought a glass of wine and we took them to the upper deck and enjoyed.

It was another wonderful day!

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