Sunday, May 22, 2016

Dinner with Diane

Thursday, May 19, 2016 - Michigan City, IN

This evening Jess, Alex, Ami and I met Diane for dinner at Mancino's in La Porte.  It was the first time Diane had met Ami.  At first Ami was shy, but she warmed up to Diane in no time.  By the time is time to leave she gave Diane a big hug and kiss good-bye.  :)

After we left Macino's Jess and I drove over to South Bend to pick up Mike and Avander.  They had driven the truck over to the service center.  The truck is leaking oil and we wanted to get it fixed before traveling out to Seattle, WA.  Avander really enjoyed his ride in the truck!

It was another wonderful day!

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