Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Travel to Indianapolis

Tuesday, April 19, 2016 - Indianapolis, IN

One more travel day.  Today was a short drive to Indianapolis.  We arrived around 12:30pm.  I worked this afternoon, then we headed for the Pub Bar and Grill to meet Patsy and Rick; Dad; and Sue, John and Kim.  Mom had fallen on Friday of last week at a funeral and hurt her arm and rib.  We think she may have cracked a rib, but she won't go to the doctor to have it checked. :(

We had a really nice dinner and discussed going to see Aunt Martha tomorrow, but just before we were ready Dad got a call to let him know that Aunt Martha had passed away.  :(

She was my Dad's sister.  My Dad's brother passed away in February.  My Dad is the last surviving sibling.  I am thankful we are in town to attend the funeral later this week.

We headed for home shortly after dinner and Jess and the kids arrived shortly after we got home.  She will be here for a couple of days.

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