Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Taproom is Open

Friday, April 22, 2016 - Indianapolis, IN

Jess and the kids headed north this morning and Mike and I headed for Aunt Martha's service.  Mark did a wonderful eulogy of his mom's life.  After the service we went to the cemetery.  This cemetery is the same cemetery where several other of my relatives are buried, including Richie.

We then headed back to the church for a nice luncheon.  Did a little more visiting with my relatives, then headed back home.

We eventually headed over to George's.  The taproom is open.  I tried the root beer George had made and it was really good.  Mike stuck with the beer he knew he liked.  :)  Dad was there and soon headed for the Pub Bar and Grill to have dinner with Patsy and Rick.  I really wanted to be with Dad today, so after saying our "good-bye"'s to George and Mary Ann, Mike and I headed that direction.

We had a real nice dinner.  Since Patsy and Rick are busy tomorrow we said our "good-bye"'s to them before heading home.

It was another wonderful day!

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