Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Travel to Elizabethtown, KY

Monday, April 18, 2016 - Elizabethtown, KY

We were up early this morning since today we were going to have a longer travel day.  We first headed for Russell Springs, KY, where we parked the truck and trailer at the Kroger parking.  Then took the Suburban so we could to run by the storage shed where we keep the boat to take a quick measurement of the boat.  Tony is building a garage and he wants to make sure the boat will fit.  :)

The boat looks great!  I sure hope we get to use it this summer.  Once we took our measurements we drove back to the truck and trailer via Jamestown.  Since they re-did 127, which now by-passes Jamestown, a lot of places in Jamestown have closed.  We were happy to see the Jamestown Cafe is still open.  So we stopped to have lunch!
We were also happy to now know the food was as good as we remembered also.  :)

When we got back to Russell Springs I still had not found a campground for us for tonight, so we stopped by the Mc Donald's to use their wifi.  We couldn't just use their wifi, so we bought some dessert.  :)  I found a campground in Elizabethtown, KY, so off we went.

We arrived at Elizabethtown Crossroads Campground in Elizabethtown.  It is a nice campground, but it is in a neighborhood right across the street from an elementary school.  When we turned down the road we were very worried until we saw the campgrounds sign.  :)

We got all set up, took Gracie for a nice long walk, then asked for a recommendation of a place to eat dinner.  The lady in the office suggested Las Chalupas.  It was very good.  But we found it very strange that the couple in the table behind us brought in their dog???

It was another wonderful day!

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