Saturday, April 9, 2016

Graves RC

Saturday, March 26, 2016 - Citra, FL

It was supposed to rain off and on all day.  We are members of Escapees and they have several RV parks across the country.  There is one down in Bushnell, FL, so we decided we would drive down to check it out.  Today we took Gracie with us.  When we got there it was not raining, so we asked if we could walk around to check it out.  Gracie sure did like the walk.  But we were not real impressed the the park.  I still think if we were ready to settle down we would stay right here at Grand Lake RV Park.  But we are far from ready to settle down.  :)

Mike had heard about an RC store in Orlando and we were not very far from Orlando, so we decided to head that way and check it out.  It was a great shop with many knowledgeable employees and turned out to be a place Mike really enjoyed.
With planes hanging from the ceiling, Mike was having a great time.

I had to remind him that Gracie was waiting for us.  When we got back to the car she wanted to go for a walk, so we took her for a short walk.

It was getting late and it was time to eat, so we stopped at Froggers Gill and Bar.  It was ok.  It was very noisy, not that there were a lot of people there, just noisy.  If it was a place close to home we would probably return, but nothing special.  
The Villages was not that far out of our way, so we drove through the area.  It is very nice place.  Carn and Mike live here and hopefully we will be able to catch up with them before we leave.

Before leaving The Villages area we stopped for ice cream.  Gracie enjoyed some ice cream also.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

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