Friday, September 16, 2016

Glacier National Park - Day 1

Monday, July 18, 2016 - Columbia Falls, MT

Today on the way in we stopped by the visitor center and Mike bought some bear spray.  Not that we thought we would really need it, but we did not want to take any chances!  :) 

Lake McDonald is big and beautiful.  We took these pictures as we drove by.

Here are a couple more pictures we took while driving to the trail head.

We decided we would hike the Trail of the Cedars, then on up to Avalanche Lake.  When we got to the trail head Mike opened up the package to the bear spray, but there was something wrong with the container and he ended up with bear spray on his hands.  Then he got it in his eyes.  It was very painful for him.  After through that mess we started our hike.  Unfortunately Alex wanted to hold Papa's hand and he also got the bear spray on him.  It did not take near as long to get it off him and he did not get it in his eyes.  
The hike was beautiful!

We came to area where there was a small island in the middle of the creek and the kids wanted to go over there to, so Uncle Tony and Papa helped them get there.

Then Tony carried me and Miranda across the deep part of the creek.

The kids had a great time throwing rocks in the water.

Beautiful cedar trees and water falls.

And I was able to get this great picture of Jess and Tony.
And another great picture of Jess, Mike J and Ami.
Uncle Tony took Ami into this tree.
Jess got these great pictures.

The kids did some rock climbing along the way.

Ami found a log of interest.

 Eventually we made to Avalanche Lake.  Wow it was amazing.

 Tony and I decided we would take off our shoes and take a walk in the water.  It was so cold it hurt.  We couldn't get back out of it fast enough.  :)
We enjoyed our time at the lake!  Finally we worked our way back down to the trail head.  The kids were very tired by this time and we were parked quite a ways away from the trail head, so we stopped about half way and waited for Mike and Jess to pick us up.  While waiting we walked over to the creek and saw this beautiful sight.

I just had to take a selfie of me and Ami.  :)
On the way back to the trailer I took another picture of Lake McDonald.
While waiting for dinner the kids played with the toys from the treasure chest and Ami just played in the treasure chest.  :)
 It was another wonderful day!

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