Saturday, September 17, 2016

Last Day at Glacier National Park

Thursday, July 21, 2016 - Columbia Falls, MT

I like having a picture of the signs of the different places we go, so on our way in to the park we stopped to get this picture and it is a great picture!  If I do say so myself.  :)
Someone stopped at the same time and took the picture for us.  Then Mike took their picture and just as he was heading back to the car another car pulled up, so he took their picture and another.  Finally we said someone said go ahead and go they would take the next picture.  :)

We drove a ways up Going to the Sun Road and stopped at Lunch Creek.  :)
Where we had a picnic lunch.
Our view during lunch was awesome!
There was this beautiful flower near where we stopped to eat lunch.

After lunch we put things back in the cars and continued to hike up the mountain.

 On the way up we stopped by a small snow patch to play for a few minutes.

Off in the distance we saw a deer on another snow mound.  The picture is not very good.
We continued on up the mountain.  This is steeper than it looks in the picture.
Saw some more beautiful flowers.
 Here is a picture looking back down at what we just climbed up.  I think it gives a better idea as to how steep the trail was.
We came to a nice open field like area.  Mike and I took a selfie.
Jess took a picture of us up on the rock that we were on.
Then I took of picture of Jess, Mike J and the kids playing.
Then I called over to them so I could take a family photo.  I guess I was a little far away, but it turned out ok.
Then I got Tony and Miranda to stand together for a picture.
This was just a beautiful place to stop and take a break.
Tony, Mike J, and Alex continued to climb up the hill.  They did ask Avander to go with them, but he decided to stay with us or at least at first that is what he wanted to do.
Mike and I walked a ways up there with Avander.  Eventually they started on the way back down and they went sliding down the snow.  Uncle Tony came and got Avander, so he could have a ride down also.  Avander and Alex thought that was great!
While in this area the kids were busy throwing rocks in the water.

It was finally tie to head back down.  When we got to the snow pack on steep part of the hill, Tony talked me into sliding down the snow pack. 
This video shows what happened after I stepped out on the snow.  Sliding down the Snow Pack!  It was really cold!  But it was fun.  :)  Then we continued on down the mountain.

Avander stopped and played a little in a smaller snow pack.

Eventually we made it back to the cars and drove to one of the visitor centers. Behind the visitor center were a couple of trails and we saw this animal.  Not real sure what it is.  :)  It was cool!

Mike and I headed back to the trailer to start fixing dinner while everyone else made a quick stop to play in the river.  The water in this river is very cold!

After dinner we sang Happy Birthday to Tony and enjoyed some cake.
It was another wonderful day!

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