Thursday, November 28, 2019

Dinner Out

Sunday, October 13, 2019 - Indianapolis, IN

This evening we all met at Sugar Creek Brickhouse.  It is a newer place and it was really good.  While we were there I did get a picture of Patsy and Rick and Mom and Dad for the 2020 calendar I do.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

Being funny!

Saturday, October 12, 2019 - Indianapolis, IN

I really needed to replace my winter coat and Mike needed to get one, so this afternoon we went shopping.  After going to several stores I found one at Duluth Trading store.  Mike did not end up getting one this trip. :)

This evening we went over to Sue and John's for dinner.  After dinner we started playing with these cards.

We had a lot of good laughs!  It was fun!

It was another wonderful day!

Travel to Indianapolis

Friday, October 11, 2019 - Indianapolis, IN

We were only able to get reservations at the Lebanon KOA until today.  In fact all of the campgrounds in the area are full this weekend.  So today we headed for Indianapolis.  We arrived safe and sound, then went to George's taproom.  I forgot to take a picture of our campsite.  :)

It was another wonderful day!


Thursday, October 10, 2019 - Lebonan, OH

Since it was such a beautiful day this evening after work we decided to go check out a couple of the wineries in the area.  Our first stop was Valley Vineyards.

Mike got a beer sampler and I got a wine sampler.  :)  Well after all of that we decided we better eat dinner instead of checking out another winery.  That, and the next winery was about 30 minutes further away.  We decided to eat at Black Horse Tavern in Lebanon .
I took the picture before we went in.  When we went in they asked if we had reservations and when we said No, they said it will be about 2 hour wait.  We decided to move on.  We ended up eating at Skyline Chili.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

Dinner with Relatives

Monday, October 7, 2019 - Lebanon, OH

This morning while walking Gracie I had Mike take a picture of me on
This evening we met Uncle Roger, Nancy, Dan, and Dayle for dinner at Damon's Grill in Wilmington.
We had a really nice visit with everyone; and dinner was pretty good also.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

Travel to Lebanon

Sunday, October 6, 2019 - Lebanon, OH

This morning we packed up and headed south for Lebanon, OH.  We are staying at the Lebanon KOA.  It is a very nice park.
Mike's cousin, Bruce, was not going to be able to join us for dinner tomorrow night, so he stopped by this evening.  He gave Mike a ancestry document he has been working on for some time.  We stayed for a couple of hours and we had a really nice visit.

It was another wonderful day!

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Visit with Allen and Linda

Saturday, October 5, 2019 - Wauseon, OH

For lunch today we meet Allen and Linda Flesher at Mom's Diner in Archbold, OH.  It is an old 50's style restaurant.

We had a great time catching up with Allen and Linda.  After lunch they took us for a drive around Archbold.  Allen pointed out some of the changes and we drove by the Sauder Manufacturing plant.  Allen used to work here and told us about what he did.  Then we went by Sauder's Village and into the outlet shop.  Eventually it was time to say our "Good-bye's".  We had a really nice time.

On our way home we saw a sign for a covered bridge and I wanted to stop and see it.  It is very nice!

As we were walking Gracie this evening, she had another seizure.  She had one several months ago and one a couple months before that.  This time it took her longer to come out of it.  When we got back to the trailer she had another one, so we gave Jess a call.  She said we needed to take her to an emergency vet.  The nearest vet was in Toledo, which was about a 45 minute drive.  The gave her a shot of phenobarbital and sent us out with a bottle of the tablets.  She will now be on phenobarb for the rest of her life now.

It was another wonderful day!

Lunch with Bruce and Annette

Thursday, October 3, 2019 - Wauseon, OH

For a late lunch we meet Bruce Stevens and Annette Kubiske at Sullivan's Restaurant in Wauseon, OH.  Bruce was a groomsman in our wedding.  I haven't seen him since a few years after our wedding.  The last time Mike saw him was at Bruce's dad's funeral, which was quite a few years ago.  We had a great time meeting Annette and catching up with what they are doing!

After lunch we realized we had not taken a picture yet and there was a lady getting out of her car and we asked her to take a picture for us.  :)
We sure do hope it is not that long before we see them again.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

Dinner Out

Wednesday, October 2, 2019 - Wauseon, OH

It was a rainy day today.  A couple of people at the campground told us about Ryan's Restaurant.  They said on Wednesday nights they have a buffet for $6.95 a person.  The chicken is supposed to be really good, so we thought we had to give it a try.
It was very good and we would recommend it!

After dinner we headed back to the campground and as we were driving we noticed a bright light in the sky to the east, so we had to go investigate.  :)  We did not get to the light until we got to Delta, OH, which is about 9 miles away.

We think it is a greenhouse, but we are not sure what they grow.  We could not find a sign saying the name of the company.  It sure does light up the town of Delta, especially when the clouds are low.

It was another wonderful day!

Travel to Wauseon

Monday, September 30, 2019 - Wauseon, OH

We finished packing up this morning and headed out for Wauseon, OH.  It is not a southerly direction, but we are going to visit a couple of Mike's friends, we have not seen in a long time, while we are here.

We checked into Sunny's Campground.  This is really big campground, they have over 800 camp sites.  Most are seasonal sites, but it is a very nice place and the people seem very friendly....we even had a guy offer us the use of a golf cart while we are here.
It was another wonderful day!


Sunday, September 29, 2019 - Grovertown, IN

This evening we went over to Tony and Miranda's for dinner.  Earlier this week Tony picked up our open water dive certificates from DD Dive Shop.  :)
We are official now!  One more thing we can check off the bucket list.

It was another wonderful day!

Friday, November 22, 2019

Motorcycle Museum

Saturday, September 28, 2019 - Grovertown, IN

This morning Mike and Tony were going to go to Appleseed Rifle program, but they got rained out.  The rifle program did not get cancelled, but Mike and Tony did not want to be out in the rain and get their stuff all wet, so they decided it was a rain out for them.  :)

Mike has been wanting to go to The World of Motorcycle Museum in North Judson for some time now, so we decided to go there today.
Mike had gone to it many years ago when it was in a house next door.  The collection continued to grow and it no longer fit in the house, so the owner moved it to a building on the grounds of Kersting's Cycle Center.

Jim Kersting has been collecting motorcycles for many years.  You will find a wide variety of motorcycles here.

We truly enjoyed seeing the collection and would recommend any motorcycle enthusiast to check it out.  :)   There were a few cars in the back room, but I did not get any pictures of them.

It was another wonderful day!

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Final Scuba Class

Saturday, September 21, 2019 - Grovertown, IN

The last couple of weeks we have been running over to DD Dive Shop in Palatine, IL with Tony and Miranda for our in-classroom Scuba training.  On Sunday, September 15, 2019 we went to the YMCA over there to do our first dive in the pool.  It took me a few minutes to get used to breathing with the regulator, but once I did I really enjoyed it.  Everyone else also seem to enjoy it.  Well today we went to Haigh Quarry to do our first actual open water dive! 

We got there before the place opened and we had to wait for the gate to open.
Then we had to rent our hoods.  Looking good Tony!

We were now ready to get into the water.
I wish I did, but I did not get any pictures of us in full gear.  I am sure we were looking good!  :)

We swam out to a rope that we followed down to a platform...but I had trouble getting down.  You were supposed to hold with one hand, clear your ears, grab with the other hand and clear your ears and repeat.  Well I could not get my ears to clear, so I went up a little way and tried again.  No luck.  I became very frustrated and was about ready to give up.  If it weren't for Ralph our dive instructor I think I would have given up.  Once we were all down and I calmed down we all had a good time. 

At one point I thought I saw Miranda above me headed for the surface, so I looked up to see where she was going, but couldn't find her.  Then I looked back to catch up with Mike, Tony and Ralph, but now I couldn't find them either.  After looking for a couple of minutes I went to the surface, this is what you are supposed to do if you lose your diving partner.  I really thought I would see Miranda up there also, but from our group it was just me.  Soon Ralph surfaced to see what happened to me.  Then we reconnected with the rest of the group at the platform at the 25' level again.  :)

I think what amazed me the most was when you went below a certain water level the water temperature dropped drastically.  And the number of people there at the quarry....there must have been several hundred.

We all passed and now we are all PADI certified divers.  I am not real sure when Mike and I will have the opportunity to dive again, but Tony and Miranda will be headed for Florida next month and plan to dive.  :)

Here are some more pictures of the quarry.  It really is very nice.

It was another wonderful day!

Beautiful Sunset

Friday, September 20, 2019 - Grovertown, IN

This evening Mike took the Yamaha FJR back to Tony's.  We store it there for now while we are on the road.  Mike has only been using it to go on his annual Wireman Ride.  While I was following him I noticed how beautiful the sunset was, so I had to take a picture.  :)
It was another wonderful day!

Beautiful Sunrise

Tuesday, September 17, 2019 - Grovertown, IN

This morning on my way to work it was a beautiful sunrise.  Martie was driving, so I was able to take a picture.  :)
It was another wonderful day!