Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Visit with Allen and Linda

Saturday, October 5, 2019 - Wauseon, OH

For lunch today we meet Allen and Linda Flesher at Mom's Diner in Archbold, OH.  It is an old 50's style restaurant.

We had a great time catching up with Allen and Linda.  After lunch they took us for a drive around Archbold.  Allen pointed out some of the changes and we drove by the Sauder Manufacturing plant.  Allen used to work here and told us about what he did.  Then we went by Sauder's Village and into the outlet shop.  Eventually it was time to say our "Good-bye's".  We had a really nice time.

On our way home we saw a sign for a covered bridge and I wanted to stop and see it.  It is very nice!

As we were walking Gracie this evening, she had another seizure.  She had one several months ago and one a couple months before that.  This time it took her longer to come out of it.  When we got back to the trailer she had another one, so we gave Jess a call.  She said we needed to take her to an emergency vet.  The nearest vet was in Toledo, which was about a 45 minute drive.  The gave her a shot of phenobarbital and sent us out with a bottle of the tablets.  She will now be on phenobarb for the rest of her life now.

It was another wonderful day!

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