Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Final Scuba Class

Saturday, September 21, 2019 - Grovertown, IN

The last couple of weeks we have been running over to DD Dive Shop in Palatine, IL with Tony and Miranda for our in-classroom Scuba training.  On Sunday, September 15, 2019 we went to the YMCA over there to do our first dive in the pool.  It took me a few minutes to get used to breathing with the regulator, but once I did I really enjoyed it.  Everyone else also seem to enjoy it.  Well today we went to Haigh Quarry to do our first actual open water dive! 

We got there before the place opened and we had to wait for the gate to open.
Then we had to rent our hoods.  Looking good Tony!

We were now ready to get into the water.
I wish I did, but I did not get any pictures of us in full gear.  I am sure we were looking good!  :)

We swam out to a rope that we followed down to a platform...but I had trouble getting down.  You were supposed to hold with one hand, clear your ears, grab with the other hand and clear your ears and repeat.  Well I could not get my ears to clear, so I went up a little way and tried again.  No luck.  I became very frustrated and was about ready to give up.  If it weren't for Ralph our dive instructor I think I would have given up.  Once we were all down and I calmed down we all had a good time. 

At one point I thought I saw Miranda above me headed for the surface, so I looked up to see where she was going, but couldn't find her.  Then I looked back to catch up with Mike, Tony and Ralph, but now I couldn't find them either.  After looking for a couple of minutes I went to the surface, this is what you are supposed to do if you lose your diving partner.  I really thought I would see Miranda up there also, but from our group it was just me.  Soon Ralph surfaced to see what happened to me.  Then we reconnected with the rest of the group at the platform at the 25' level again.  :)

I think what amazed me the most was when you went below a certain water level the water temperature dropped drastically.  And the number of people there at the quarry....there must have been several hundred.

We all passed and now we are all PADI certified divers.  I am not real sure when Mike and I will have the opportunity to dive again, but Tony and Miranda will be headed for Florida next month and plan to dive.  :)

Here are some more pictures of the quarry.  It really is very nice.

It was another wonderful day!

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