Monday, November 18, 2019

Blueberry Festival

Saturday, August 31, 2019 - Grovertown, IN

Tony and Miranda picked us up and we met Alex, Allyssa, Logan and Macy at the Blueberry Festival.  This festival just keeps growing and has become a sea of people.

One of the reasons we like to go is to pick up a couple of pounds of Snow's Beef Jerky.  According to Tony and Mike it is the best beef jerky.  :)

Before working our way to their booth we did stop by a couple of food vendors and got ourselves some lunch.  Then on the way out Mike and I saw a booth that makes custom wood signs, which we have been talking about getting to hang up outside the rig for some time, so we purchased one.  They were going to carve a picture of our truck and our names on the sign.  They told us it would be ready in about an hour.  Well Tony wanted to run a couple of quick errands, so off we went.

When we got back, Tony and Miranda dropped us off to go get the sign while they circled around in the truck.  When Mike and I got to the booth, I saw the sign and immediately looked at the truck and thought it looked great.  Mike saw our names and said "you have GOT to be kidding me!!".  I did not see anything wrong nor immediately understand what he meant, but he said "Look!!  It says 'Mike and John' not 'Mike and Joan'"!!  Oh no!  They are going to re-make the sign and we are going to pick it up tomorrow.

When we got back to Tony's truck we had a good laugh about it.  Then we headed down to Alex and Allyssa's for a cookout.  After dinner Tony and Alex did start a fire for us to roast marshmallows.  But I think they went a little overboard on the fire.  :)

Eventually it did burn down far enough that we did get to roast a few marshmallows.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

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