Sunday, November 17, 2019

Shipwreck Museum

Saturday, August 24, 2019 - Cheboygan, MI

Before heading up to the UP to the Shipwreck Museum we took Gracie for her morning walk down the old RR trail.  It was a little hazy.

On the drive up to Whitefish Point and Paradise, MI and we went over the Mackinac Bridge and I got a couple of good pictures.

We finally made it up to the museum.
Here is a picture of the Lighthouse.  We had tickets to go up in the lighthouse at 12:30pm.
So we went into the museum first.  They had a really good display about the Edmund Fitzgerald.  As well as the original bell from the Edmund Fitzgerald.

We also watched a short video about the Edmund Fitzgerald.  It went down in the deepest part of Lake Superior.  They retrieved the bell and put a replica in it's place.

We finally did get to go up to the top of the lighthouse and were able to get some really nice pictures.

We were very surprised at how many shipwrecks are in this area of the Great Lakes.  There are 6000+  known shipwrecks in the 5 Great Lakes.  Of the 550 known shipwrecks in Lake Superior, over 200 are between Whitefish Point and Munising. The museum was great and we would highly recommend it if you are ever in the area.

On the way home we noticed an ATV trail that ran along side the road for miles!
For a late lunch we stopped by Berry Patch Restaurant.

I got a pasty, which I pronounced paste-ee and the waitress informed me it is pronounced past-ee.  She said paste-ees are what women put on their nipples.  LOL!  None-the-less, it was as good as I remembered.  :)

On the way back we stopped by a road side park and I took a couple of quick pictures of the water.  One picture turned out and the other did not.  :)

Then I took a couple of pictures of the bridge as we went back over it.

Tonight for dinner there was one more place I really wanted to go to before we left the area, so we drove down to Indian River and ate dinner at Vivio's.  Vivio's is a restaurant that my Mom and Dad took us to when we went camping up here as kids about 50 years ago!!  I don't remember it but my brother, George did.

The food was very good and we had a really nice time.

It was another wonderful day!

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