Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Flying Carpet

Thursday, October 31, 2019 - Elberfeld, IN

It was a cold and blustery kind of day today.  While walking Gracie we noticed something strange about the tree across the way.  Once we got over there we realized it was an area rug in the tree.  We looked around and figured out it had to be from the RV just down the way from us.  It was easily 10 to 12 feet up in the tree and 50 yards away from them.  And there was no way we were going to be able to get it down without a ladder.  The rug was on it's edge wedged in the branches up in the tree.  (Unfortunately I did not get a picture of it.)

The people were not home at the time, but when we left to run into town they were home and we stopped to let them know where their rug was.  They said when they got home they looked all over for the rug, but never thought to look that far away and up in a tree.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

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