Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Move to Clarksville

Friday, November 1, 2019 - Clarksville, TN

Last night we disconnected our water hose because of the anticipated cold temperature.  It got down to 27 and we had a very heavy frost.

Even the puddle next to the site had a thin layer of ice on it.
The original plan was to leave Elberfeld on Sunday after, but work called to let me know the meeting we had trying to schedule during all of the weeks I was in the area was finally going to happen next week.  So we decided to head for Clarksville today, then tomorrow we will head back north and return to Clarksville on Wednesday.  :)

My bike did not fair well on this trip.  We are not real sure what it rubbed against, but the fender now has a big scratch.   I wonder if they have touch up paint.
We will be at Clarksville RV park for the next couple of weeks.  Well at least the rig will be here.  :)
It was another wonderful day!

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