Wednesday, December 18, 2019


Sunday, November 10, 2019 - Clarksville, TN

Today we went to the McGregor Park and Cumberland Riverwalk in downtown Clarksville.

As we walked down the riverwalk we came to a boat ramp that went down to the water.  Since we were at the start of our walk, Mike threw rocks and we let Gracie play in the water.  On the way back, she wanted to go down there and play again, but we did not want her to get wet again.  She was pulling me pretty firmly.  :)
When we got back to the parking lot, Gracie was worn out so we put her in the car while we went into the River Museum.  It is a very small museum about how the town of Clarksville grew due to the river.  It was very interesting.

It was another wonderful day.

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