Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Trail of Tears

Saturday, November 9, 2019 - Clarksville, TN

When looking for places to stay, I read a little bit about the Trail of Tears and found this park, so we went to see it.  There wasn't anyone in the visitor center, but we walked around to see the sights.

After walking around the park for a little while we headed for the Woody Winfree Fire Transportation Museum.  It was about the history of the fire station there in Hopkinsville.  It was a great little museum and the lady that worked there was very informative.

Next we went to Dunbar Cave State Park.
We were not able to go into the cave due to the bats hibernating.  The history of the park was very interesting.  The area below used to a place where bands would play and people would come to dance.  This was before it was a park.

Then we went on one of the trails and saw this deer.
It was a very nice trail.
It was another wonderful day!

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