Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Travel to West Memphis

Saturday, November 16, 2019 - West Memphis, AR

We were up early this morning and headed for Tom Sawyer RV Park on the Mississippi River.  It was a beautiful day to drive. 
Shortly after I took this picture, we realized that Mike's bike was not strapped down.  It was like that for a little over 70 miles.  I am so surprised and very happy it did not come off the bike rack!

We made it to Tom Sawyer's RV Park and got all set up.  We are closer to the Mississippi River this time.  And the river is lower this time.

When we were here last time I meant to take a picture of the sign showing how high the river got in May 2011.  It is unbelievable!

Not only did it get that high on the building, but it had a lot of land to cross just to get to the building.

We decided we wanted Mexican for dinner tonight, so I looked on my phone for a highly rated restaurant and off we went.  When we pulled into the lot we realized it was the same restaurant we went to last time we were here.  :)
Once we got home we grabbed a beer and glass of wine, went across the drive to the riverbank, and sat on a bench by the river where I took several pictures.  They did not turn out very well, but it was very enjoyable.

Then I saw the moon coming up over some lights off in the distance.  It was not a full moon, but it was very big.
Several barges went by while we were sitting there.  This one had some pretty lights on it.

It was another wonderful day!

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