Saturday, December 12, 2020

Vivian Home!

Monday, October 12, 2020 - Grovertown, IN

Vivian was finally able to come home today and it was great to finally be able to meet her.  :)  Even if we did have to mask up.  She is just so very tiny.....and absolutely beautiful.

It was a beautiful sunset this evening.

It was another wonderful day!

Spa Treatment

Sunday, October 11, 2020 - Grovertown, IN

Vivian will not be home again today.  In order to get her bilirubin down they are going to do an ultra violet light treatment.  Here are a couple of the pictures Tony sent me.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

Toilet Repair

Saturday, October 10, 2020 - Grovertown, IN

Vivian will not be coming home today, her bilirubin is not where they want it to be.  :(

I took another picture of the beautiful fall colors and Gracie.  :)

The parts for the toilet finally came, so we repaired the toilet today.  

Having a properly working toilet is SOOOO nice.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

Beautiful Colors

Friday, October 9, 2020 - Grovertown, IN

While we were walking Gracie, we noticed how beautiful this tree was, so I just had to take a picture.  The picture does not do it justice.

It was another wonderful day!

Happy Birthday Vivian

Thursday, October 8, 2020 - Grovertown, IN

Late tonight, we finally welcomed Vivian in to the world.  :)  Happy Birthday, Vivian!

On Tuesday Miranda went to her doctor's appointment and they told her to meet them at the hospital and that they were going to induce her.  Tony called us to let us know he was headed for the hospital.  When he got there, he had to wait in the parking lot until they were done with blood work and COVID testing on Miranda.  She said she sat in a room all by herself until the test results came back.  Fortunately, the test came back negative.  

As the day progressed, her dilation was not.  Tony wasn't even sure whether they would send them home again.  Wednesday came and went and still no baby.  They had tried several things to get Miranda dilated further, but she was stuck at 7 cm.  Finally late this evening they decided it was time to do a C-Section and Vivian was born at 11:38pm weighting in at 7lbs 7ozs and 21 inches long.  Everyone is healthy and doing great!

Unfortunately, due to the pandemic we will not be able to meet her until she gets home from the hospital, which we are hoping will be on Saturday!

Everyone was happy to hear about her arrival.  Ami was just glad she was not born on her birthday.  After all, she already has to share her birthday with her dad.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

Friday, December 11, 2020

Halloween at the RV Park

Saturday, October 3, 2020 - Grovertown, IN

This afternoon Mike and I ran down to the Spirit Halloween store in Plymouth to get a couple of costumes for trick or treat tonight at the RV Park.  I think we went a little over board!!  :)

They had a lot of activities lined up for the day, but we only really participated in the trick or treating.

Tony and Miranda came over to help us hand out candy.  When one little boy came by, he stopped and looked at Mike and finally said "I am not afraid of you", he got his candy and then he walked a little further while still looking back and said "I know you are human".   For not being afraid, he sure didn't want to take his eyes off him.  :)  Then another little boy stopped and slowly came up to the candy bowl while never taking his eyes off Mike either.  He got his candy and just before he backed away, he slowly said "You're creepy!".  :)  

Gracie even dressed up in her "SuperDog" costume.  She was better this year than most as she usually does a great impression of a "SuperDog" statue once we put her costume on.  I think she was a little more at east this year due to her boy being there.

After trick or treating, we fixed and ate dinner, and then played some cards.  

It was another wonderful day!

Toilet Problems...

Thursday, October 1, 2020 - Grovertown, IN

Well we are having problems with the toilet again.  The cable that goes from the foot pedal to the back of the toilet broke.  It is hard to tell, but the pedal is laying on the floor.

It should be up like this.
There are no parts in the area (including Elkhart) so we are going to have to order parts.  And with the high RV demand during COVID, parts are getting harder and harder to come by.  To complicate things, this toilet is no longer made.  Of all places, Mike finally found the needed parts at the same place out in Utah that he got them when we had problems out in Wyoming.  In the mean time, we will have to lay down on the toilet seat and reach around behind the toilet to flush it.....but at least we can still use it.  I sure hope the parts come in soon.

It was another wonderful day.

Visit More Wineries

Saturday, September 19, 2020 - New Buffalo, MI

We had lunch today at The Stray Dog Bar and Grill in New Buffalo (meh, okay) and then we headed for Gravity Vineyards.  Last time Sue, Patsy and I went here it was very nice sitting out on the back deck enjoying our wine.  Well this time the rules had changed and they only allowed you to get one tasting at a time.  Very inconvenient, and long wait time when it is so busy.  Mom, Dad, Rick, Mike and Kim went out to get a table and thought we would be out shortly, but the line was long and we ended up doing all of our wine tasting at the bar.  After we were finished with the wine tasting we bought a couple of bottles of wine to enjoy at the table.  It was very noisy out on the porch and we didn't really enjoy it as much this time.  I even forgot to get any pictures.

Our next stop was Dablon Winery.  Sue, Patsy and I have been here before also.  It was a brand new tasting room when we were here last time.  It took us a very long time to get waited on, but we were able to get a table and enjoy our wine tasting.  I did get a couple of pictures of us outside, but none inside.

 It was another wonderful day!

Visit Wineries

Friday, September 18, 2020 - New Buffalo, MI

Yesterday, Mike and I drove up to New Buffalo, MI to spend the weekend with my mom and dad, Patsy and Rick, and Sue, John and Kim.  The house they rented is right across the street from Lake Michigan, so this morning we took a walk across the street to take some pictures.  :)

On our way back up the hill I took a picture of the house.

There are quite a few wineries in southwest Michigan so this afternoon we headed out to do some wine tasting.  Our first stop was Hickory Hills.

Our next stop was Round Barn.  They have individual tasting areas, which was very nice.

We had not been upstairs in the barn before and it was pretty cool.  I wish I had taken a couple of pictures of the area outside our section.  They even had a couple of outside tents set up.  It looks like they will be permanent.  Round Barn has always been one of my favorite wineries.  :)

Our next stop for the day Tabor Hill, another favorite.  They have a very nice restaurant; we had a late lunch there.

I did take a couple of pictures of our view outside.

When we got back to the house, I took at couple of pictures of the sun setting on Lake Michigan from the porch of the house.

It was another wonderful day!

Praying Mantis

Tuesday, September 15, 2020 - Grovertown, IN

This morning Mike and I had our dentist appointments.  We try to get all of our doctor appointments done while we are in the area.  :)

After the dentist appointments in Bremen, we ran across the street to have lunch at La Parilla Caliente Mexican Restaurant.  Lunch was very, very good.

Once we got back to the car, we saw we picked up a passenger on the hood  :)  It was a pretty good sized praying mantis.

It was another wonderful day!

Baby Shower

Saturday, September 12, 2020 - Indianapolis, IN

This morning Miranda, Allyssa, and I headed for Indianapolis for Miranda's baby shower.  We had a nice turn out and she got a lot of nice things.

The gift Jess got Miranda, the 1st month of a 3 month subscription for disposable diaper delivery, was supposed to be delivered to Sue's house yesterday, but due to the wildfires in California it is being delayed.  Fortunately Jess gave me a copy of the receipt with pictures of the prints that were on the diapers.  My gift, which was a stroller off the gift registry, was supposed to be delivered in Knox on Wednesday, but due to the pandemic it is on back order.  I printed out a picture of the stroller and gave that to her.  I just hope the stroller arrives before the baby is born.  :)   Natalie said she would pick up the diapers from Sue's house before coming up to see the baby after she is born.  :)

It was a beautiful day and perfect to have the baby shower outside.

This weekend, Mike took off for the annual WireMan ride with his friends from the wire industry.  He met up with Ray Rios in Plymouth, IN and they headed for Elkins, WV to meet the rest of the group.  It will be a smaller group this year due to the pandemic, but I am sure they are having a great time.  They worry me as they all get a little crazy when they get together.  Every year I tell him the same thing: no wheelies, no burnouts, and no dragging your pegs through the corners.......but I am willing to bet he doesn't listen.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

One more Birthday

Sunday, September 6, 2020 - Norfolk, VA

This afternoon, we took the kids to the park to play.  :)

When we got back to the house, Mike and I decided we better take Ami for her birthday shopping too, just in case we did not make it back to Norfolk in the month of October.  :)
Ami picked out a Polly Pocket Vet Clinic and two Bakugan creatures.  The kids always seem to enjoy going shopping with us to pick out their birthday presents.  It is never a quick trip....there is always a lot of looking, touching, discussing, debating, and finally picking what they want.    One of these days, they will no longer be interested in going with us.  :(  But for now, Life is Good!!

It was another wonderful day!

Birthday Shopping

Saturday, September 5, 2020 - Norfolk, VA

Every year for the kids' birthdays, we take them shopping.  When the we had the kids with us in Fort Bridger, there really wasn't any place to take Alex to.  We told him we would take him as soon as we came to see him at his house.  Well, it is now 5 months after his birthday and he probably thought we had forgotten, but we took him out today.  :)   He picked out Nerf guns and a new bicycle helmet.

Since Avander's birthday was just around the corner, we took him shopping this evening.  :)  As you can see......more Nerf guns!!

The COVID mask look was great.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

RV Site

Friday, August 28, 2020 - Grovertown, IN

Tony and Miranda plan to stay in their RV on their property in Knox now that they have sold their house.  So today, Mike and Tony spent the day getting the 100A underground feed and the electric pedestal installed.  Fortunately, the ground was mostly sand, so it was very easy to dig the trench and install the conduit.  

They are setting it up so a second RV can be parked here.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

Saturday, December 5, 2020

Cement Work

 Saturday, August 22, 2020 - Grovertown, IN

We were supposed to be down at Tony's place in Knox by 9:00AM to help pour Alex and Alyssa's concrete patio, but we ran into a couple of delays and did not get there until closer to 9:30am.  By the time we arrived, most of the concrete work was done. :)  Alex had a friend helping that does concrete work for a living and he made the job look easy.

The rest of the day we pretty much just hung out with everybody.  We did have dinner with Tony and Miranda.

It was another wonderful day!

Happy Anniversary!

 Friday, August 21, 2020 - Grovertown, IN

Happy Anniversary to us.  :)  It is 38 years!

We decided to sit out by the fire tonight and burn all of our "confidential" mail (with our SSN's, account numbers, etc.) that we have accumulated over the last several months.  :)  You can see all of the traffic on the highway behind me.

It was a very relaxing evening.

It was another wonderful day!