Friday, December 11, 2020

Halloween at the RV Park

Saturday, October 3, 2020 - Grovertown, IN

This afternoon Mike and I ran down to the Spirit Halloween store in Plymouth to get a couple of costumes for trick or treat tonight at the RV Park.  I think we went a little over board!!  :)

They had a lot of activities lined up for the day, but we only really participated in the trick or treating.

Tony and Miranda came over to help us hand out candy.  When one little boy came by, he stopped and looked at Mike and finally said "I am not afraid of you", he got his candy and then he walked a little further while still looking back and said "I know you are human".   For not being afraid, he sure didn't want to take his eyes off him.  :)  Then another little boy stopped and slowly came up to the candy bowl while never taking his eyes off Mike either.  He got his candy and just before he backed away, he slowly said "You're creepy!".  :)  

Gracie even dressed up in her "SuperDog" costume.  She was better this year than most as she usually does a great impression of a "SuperDog" statue once we put her costume on.  I think she was a little more at east this year due to her boy being there.

After trick or treating, we fixed and ate dinner, and then played some cards.  

It was another wonderful day!

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