Saturday, December 12, 2020

Happy Birthday Vivian

Thursday, October 8, 2020 - Grovertown, IN

Late tonight, we finally welcomed Vivian in to the world.  :)  Happy Birthday, Vivian!

On Tuesday Miranda went to her doctor's appointment and they told her to meet them at the hospital and that they were going to induce her.  Tony called us to let us know he was headed for the hospital.  When he got there, he had to wait in the parking lot until they were done with blood work and COVID testing on Miranda.  She said she sat in a room all by herself until the test results came back.  Fortunately, the test came back negative.  

As the day progressed, her dilation was not.  Tony wasn't even sure whether they would send them home again.  Wednesday came and went and still no baby.  They had tried several things to get Miranda dilated further, but she was stuck at 7 cm.  Finally late this evening they decided it was time to do a C-Section and Vivian was born at 11:38pm weighting in at 7lbs 7ozs and 21 inches long.  Everyone is healthy and doing great!

Unfortunately, due to the pandemic we will not be able to meet her until she gets home from the hospital, which we are hoping will be on Saturday!

Everyone was happy to hear about her arrival.  Ami was just glad she was not born on her birthday.  After all, she already has to share her birthday with her dad.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

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