Sunday, June 21, 2020

Drive to Limpia Creek

Saturday, June 13, 2020 - Alpine, TX

Rod and Diane are building a home up at Limpiua Crossing near Limpia Creek.  Rod has told us a lot about it, so today we decided we would drive up there and check it out.  On our way up, we stopped for lunch at the Fort Davis Drug Store.  We sat out on the front porch and had a very relaxing separation and no masks required

After lunch we set out to see if we would be able to find their lot.  It took us a little bit to find the right road and while we were driving around I saw these really tall, neat looking flowers.  So of course I had to stop to get a picture.  :)  They made us think of Dr. Seuss type trees.  :)  
I had Mike take a picture of me standing next to it, so you could get an idea of how tall it really is.  
Eventually we did make it to their property.  They have some really nice views and I am sure they will enjoy the area once the house is done.  Right now it is still just dirt with the well already in.  :)
It was another wonderful day!

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