Sunday, June 21, 2020

Travel to Carlsbad, NM

Saturday, June 20, 2020 - Carlsbad, NM

The magic day is finally here.  We are back on the road and moving again!  :)  Maybe life will feel somewhat normal again.

Originally, we were going to take 285 all the way up, but several people warned Mike that 285 north of Pecos was very rough due to all of the oil rig traffic.  So we opted to go via 90 to 54.  When we first got on 54 the road was very uneven, which jostled the trailer around a lot.  After about 20 miles it smoothed out and ended up being a very nice ride.  The views were beautiful.

We drove right by the Guadalupe Mountain.  It was beautiful.
When we got closer the road was too twisty-turny for me to take another picture.  :)

As we drove by all of the entrances to Guadalupe National Park, they were all blocked with "Park Closed" signs.  Even Carlsbad Caverns National Park was closed.  :(

Soon, we made it to Bud's Place RV Park.  Most of the RVers in the park were oil field workers.  In fact Mike and I figure there are more temporary oil field workers in the city of Carlsbad than there are permanent residents.  The town has grown tremendously since we were there in the early 90's; RV parks and short term housing units abound.
When we took Gracie for her evening walk, we found they have a small fishing pond at the back of the RV Park.  Mike threw rocks in the water and she charged in after them and got to go swimming for a little bit.  She loved it!

It was another wonderful day!

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