Sunday, June 28, 2020

Travel to Rawlins, WY

Sunday, June 28, 2020 - Rawlins, WY

The first part of the drive was not bad.  Pretty much the same as we saw yesterday.
Off on the right it looked like a big rock was getting pushed up out of the ground.  It was kind of cool.
After we got on I-80 it became a little more mountainous.

Also, the wind and the traffic picked up.  We saw a trailer that had been flipped over by the wind.  That was a little unnerving.  

Soon Mike came over the radio to say he was hearing a strange noise.  I drove up next to him and did not see anything obvious.  So we decided to get off at the next exit, so Mike could take a look.  Before we got there I saw smoke coming from the truck, so once again I found myself yelling "Stop!" over the radio.  The bracket that held the air leveling valve broke, which caused air to leak out of the rear suspension leveling system.  Unfortunately that means the bed settles and starts riding on top of the tires.  We obviously didn't have the right parts to repair it, but fortunately, Mike knows how to fix things!  Two rubber bands and a c-clamp later, the truck was back up in the air and we were back on the road.  :)

Fixing anything on the side of an interstate with lots of traffic around is no fun!

While Mike was fixing the truck I took a picture of the mountain off in the distance.  The mountain still has snow on it!
We only had 35 miles left to go to get to the RV park.  The repair held and we finally made it. :)  After arriving, we met another couple that told us they saw two more trailers after the one we saw that had flipped in the high winds.  No more towing in high winds for us!!
We are at the Rawlins KOA and will be here until Wednesday.  I am just happy to be off the road, I really did not like the wind!  Tomorrow Mike will go look for something to make a new bracket out of.  :)  

It was another wonderful day!

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