Thursday, July 9, 2020

Wyoming State Penitentiary

Monday, June 29, 2020 - Rawlins, WY

This morning Mike went to a couple of places to find a new bracket for the air valve on the truck.  He stopped by a welding shop and they gave him a piece from their scrap pile for free.  This afternoon he replaced the rubber bands and C-Clamp.  :)  It looks good to go.
While he was in town he stopped by the Goodyear dealer to see if they had tires for the trailer.  The one tire needs to be replaced real bad.  The rest could have waited until we got back to Indiana later this summer, but they had 6 tires that will work.  The tires are on order and as long as they show up tomorrow we will bring the trailer into town for new tires.

After I was done working today, Mike and I ran into town to check out the route we want to take tomorrow to bring the trailer down to the Goodyear dealer for new tires.  While we were in town we stopped by the Wyoming State Penitentiary museum.  

Their last tour was at 4:30pm and we missed it by about 5 minutes. We did stop by the gift shop and I did get t-shirt.  Even Mike got a t-shirt today.  :)  And he got a picture of me behind bars.  :)
Hopefully we will be back tomorrow afternoon, only this time a few minutes earlier.  :)

It was another wonderful day.

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