Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Meeks Cabin Reservoir

Saturday, July 4, 2020 - Fort Bridger, WY

Happy Forth of July!!!

This morning we got the car packed up with drinks and snacks, then we were going to see if we could find Meeks Cabin Reservoir that Dee told us about.  We did not get very far before we discovered that we could not go any further since the 4th of July parade was starting.  So we hung around and watched the parade.  :)

After just a few groups went by, there was a long break.  We saw an ambulance down at the beginning of the parade route.  We found out later a horse reared up and the rider fell off and the horse came down on her.  We heard a couple of different reason why the horse reared up, but not sure what really happened.  Eventually the parade started back up.
It is hard to see, but at the end of the parade is the pumper truck and it is shooting a fountain of water out the back.  The kids are all running out to cool down.  :)
I thought I took a picture of it when it was closer.  :)

Eventually we made it to Meeks Cabin Reservoir.  Gracie liked the reservoir also!

After walking and playing with Gracie for a little while we found a real nice secluded spot for lunch.

Gracie spent most of the time digging by the fire pit.

As we drove by this spot we saw an old car that had gone down the hill many years ago.

When we finally left the National Forest I just had to take a picture of the sign.  :)
Then we stopped by a public access area of the Black Fork River.

Gracie did go swimming in the river.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

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