Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Flaming Gorge National Recreation Area

Friday, July 3, 2020 - Fort Bridger, WY

This morning we headed down to Manila, UT to check out the Flaming Gorge National Recreation Area.  The drive down there was beautiful: blue skies, nice temperature, and very little wind.

We drove down to the marina and checked out the area.  We went to the swimming beach and checked it out.  It was very nice.  I thought I took a couple pictures of it, but I guess not.  :)

We went back in to town to have lunch at Brownings.  It was a nice enough place to eat.  As we were finishing, a fire truck went by.  We did not think much about it until we headed toward Red Canyon and came across a boat that had caught on fire while going down the road.
I would not have wanted to be in that car and see my boat on fire in my rear view mirror.  That would be very scary!  There was no ambulance and we saw people around the boat and tow vehicle so we are assuming no one got hurt.

The drive to Red Canyon was beautiful!

We got to a beautiful overlook.  We asked another couple if they would take our picture and in turn we took theirs.  :)

We drove past this pasture area and I just had to take a picture.  :)
Eventually we made it to the Red Canyon.
The view was just Awesome!

The pictures don't do the view justice.  :)

After walking around for a while we headed back out and once again I just had to take this picture.
When we drove back by the burned out boat, I took a better picture of it.

This would not be a good way to start a holiday weekend.

On the drive back to Fort Bridger I took just a few more pictures.

It was another wonderful day!

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